Using Live Streaming at Imperial....

There are a number of options available for live streaming an activity at Imperial. Panopto is great for "one way" streams that need to present to a small or large audience due to a 30 second time lag rather than being truly live, for more interactive live streams ICT recommends Microsoft Teams. If working with external research groups that also use Zoom, Zoom is available as well.



Panopto allows for simultaneous capture of audio, video and software applications (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint). It can be used by Imperial staff and students to record and view lectures and presentations. These recordings can then be shared in a variety of ways during or after the presentation.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Teams is a communication and collaboration tool from Microsoft that can be used within a teaching and learning environment to facilitate blended learning delivery.



Zoom is a video and web conferencing platform that is fully supported by ICT.  Zoom is used in a number of faculties to support a wide range of collaborative activities.