Using Online Assessment at Imperial....

There are a number of options available for Online Assessment activities at Imperial. Blackboard allows for the creation of assignments and tests; Turnitin integrates with Blackboard and offers assignment submission with a text matching service; Mobius supports mathematical tests and WISEflow is used in some Faculties for assignments and tests.



Möbius Assessment is a mathematical assessment tool.

Available features include:

  • The ability to accept responses in mathematical notation
  • The ability to randomise questions algorithmically
  • Visualisation tools for 2D and 3D plots
  • Open-ended questions with many answers
  • Powerful algorithmically generated questions
  • Adaptive questions to guide students following an incorrect response.


Blackboard Learn is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at Imperial College. Staff and students automatically have access. You can use Blackboard to:

  • Deliver courses online
  • Communicate to staff and students through online discussion
  • Set and receive assignments, tests and surveys
  • Track progress and manage grades


Turnitin is an online text-matching service. The system enables institutions and staff to compare students' work with a vast database of electronic sources.



WISEflow is a cloud-based end-to-end digital assessment platform that supports the assessment and feedback lifecycle for students, assessors, administrators and assessment authors.

WISEflow is a role-based system which enables activities to be allocated to specific users based on the part that they play in the assessment process.