Meet the Global Online MBA class of 2022-24

Group of students on Queen's Lawn between lions

We’re pleased to welcome the Global Online MBA 2022-24 cohort to Imperial College Business School. The online, part-time format MBA programme means that students can become part of the Business School community from anywhere in the world. So, with 90 students joining us in September 2022, and 101 in January 2023, it’s set to be an exciting two years on the path to completing their MBA! 

With some of the best technology in education, developed by our Edtech Lab, at our disposal, the Global Online MBA delivers an exceptional online learning experience. Ranked #2 in the world in the Financial Times Online MBA Rankings 2022, we are proud to provide our students with the same high-quality teaching that they would receive if they were on-campus. 

Global Online MBA students are impressive to say the least. The part-time format means that our students have taken on the challenge of developing their skillset while usually continuing to work in their demanding full-time roles. This takes hard work and dedication but will result in a great reward and sense of achievement upon graduation. 


What does the new class look like? 

The composition of a class has a great impact on the student experience, so bringing together a mix of cultures, backgrounds, and professional experience is a priority. The 2022-24 cohort of the Global Online MBA is no exception – the 191 students in the class represent 54 nationalities. 

These motivated individuals bring an average of 11 years of work experience spanning across a wide range of industries including tech, banking/finance and energy. Students with STEM backgrounds often come to Imperial to take advantage of the close relationship that the Business School has with Imperial College London. Our MBA students often work with the Enterprise Lab to develop their start-up idea, take part in accelerators, and get support on funding. 

Meet the GMBA class 2022-24 stats
"I’m pleased to welcome the new cohort of the Global Online MBA class. The programme brings together MBA candidates from a very large number of different countries, and from a great variety of industry backgrounds. This diversity, and the fact that all candidates continue working in their demanding jobs, gives our students the opportunity to learn from one another at every step of the programme."
Academic Director, Imperial MBA

Meeting in-person on campus at induction 


While the Global Online MBA programme is predominantly online, we offer students the chance to come to campus and meet each other face-to-face at the start of the programme for induction, in addition to a second on-campus session later in the programme. 

This year’s Welcome Day saw Imperial take over Cadogan Hall and the Saatchi Gallery, located in Sloane Square. With exclusive access to the gallery while it was closed, Imperial students explored the space, watched an immersive welcome movie and participated in interactive and experiential introductions to the Business School. 

Meet the students

Juan Schettini

Juan Schettini 

Nationality: Colombian 

Current role: Mobile Equipment Maintenance Manager 




Why did you choose to study the Imperial Global Online MBA?  

Being part of the Imperial Global Online MBA programme is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in my life, and essential step to keep advancing in my career. I am sure this programme will give me the necessary foundations to progress to the corporate strategic level, where my decisions may affect the world positively and change it for the better.  

In addition to the contributions to my future career aspirations, I chose the Imperial Global Online MBA because it offers a balanced programme that combines the latest business thinking with cutting-edge technological knowledge and develops creative thinking, innovation, and an entrepreneurial mindset in its students. I really enjoy the global character of the programme where people from different countries and backgrounds contribute with their different perspectives and fresh ideas to understand the current business challenges and how to approach them. Moreover, I highly value how this Global Online MBA offers online classes and part-time study through The Hub, allowing me to study at my own pace from home. This last aspect is crucial for me since I work full-time in a coal mine where travelling is a constraint and I have a big family to care for. This online MBA gives me the time I need to excel academically without compromising my work performance and family life. 


How do plan to juggle work, life and your studies?  

First and foremost, it is critical to classify and schedule all the activities wisely to set aside time for family, MBA commitments, social activities, and leisure. I use the urgent-important matrix to identify and prioritise the activities I can plan, delegate, eliminate, and do. Once these activities are listed and scheduled, I synchronise them into a single calendar. Equally important is to be aware of notifications to stay on top of tasks.  I schedule three hours per day for academic activities, meaning I need to get up one hour earlier in the morning, spend one hour at work while taking advantage of coffee and lunch breaks, and one hour when I get home after spending quality time with my family.  

An MBA is a significant commitment, not only for me but also for my family. Making them feel like they are a part of this journey by celebrating every step forward and achievement together is a crucial way to have fun. I prioritise my tasks so I can complete those that are due in the short term without losing sight of those that are due in the long run, avoiding last-minute submissions because of the high-stress levels they cause. Since I have only 24 hours a day and my days are busy, I have learned to say no and decline certain activities and invitations that do not fall into my urgent and important category.  

Ore Onabowale

Ore Onabowale 

Nationality: Nigerian 

Current Role: Operations Finance Leadership Program, General Electric 




Why did you choose to study the Imperial Global Online MBA?  

I've always had a soft spot for studying the UK. Imperial offers the best online MBA programme and that made it a very easy sell. There is never a good time to go back to school, but the programme offers much flexibility and support. There is special consideration for time zone difference and the busy schedules of its cohort. I was also fortunate the receive the Women in Business scholarship and support from my employer. This was the extra boost I need to enrol for the programme. Imperial also gives the opportunity to pay the self-funded piece in instalments. The best part of Imperial is its people. Meeting the staff, alumni and students during the kick off was a life changing experience and I look forward to an incredible ride over the next two years. 

Can you tell us about your syndicate team? 

My syndicate team is a very diverse group of six based in North America. Most of us were able to meet in-person at the kick-off in London which was great for the initial team bonding. We got together to have quick chat over drinks, but it ended up being a four-hour long conversation that only ended because it started raining! My syndicate team has been amazing so far - with the right balance of youthful energy, focus, creativity and a can-do attitude. Everyone brings a unique strength to the table, and this has proved very useful with our group work which happens is a large percentage of our overall grade. 

Kathy Lau

Kathy Lau 

Nationality: Hong Kong 

Current Role: International Growth Consultant, Google 




Why did you choose to study the Imperial Global Online MBA? 

I believe technology can make virtual learning as effective as in-person, and Imperial is a pioneer in providing such an engaging MBA program to fuel career growth for students all over the world. I also like how Imperial creates different on-campus opportunities such as induction week and the capstone module for the cohort to collaborate. I’m grateful to have taken the part-time study as I can instantly apply the learnings into my job practically and I look forward to growing further in my career with the network and inspiration I gain from Imperial. 


Which modules/electives are you most looking forward to? 

I’m most looking forward to the Entrepreneurship & Innovation electives in one of the international campuses. I’m keen to explore entrepreneurship and equip myself with the skills to embark on this journey confidently. The glocal electives provide site visit opportunities at local start-ups and we can apply the classroom knowledge to analyse different global problems with a local lens. It would also be an interesting experience to discuss topics around the latest digital technologies with people who share the same interests to inspire each other. 

Juan Pommarez Tarradas

Juan Pommarez Tarradas  

Nationality: Spanish 

Current Role: BDS Manager, Associate Partner in Foster + Partners




Why did you choose to study the Imperial Global Online MBA?  

Imperial College Business School represents the values and prestige I was looking for to continue advancing my studies. The Global Online MBA programme allows me to balance my professional development and family life, while having the experience of an MBA programme in the city in which I live. One of the reasons I decided to study this programme is the diversity of the cohort. To be part of such a diverse and global team is a great advantage of the MBA journey.  


How was your induction week in London?  

The induction week in London was an eye-opening experience. Meeting the class and sharing a week with the tutors, programme organizers and the Dean was a fantastic opportunity. I had the best academic experience possible thanks to the quality of the Business School.  

Monica Bertram 

Nationality: American 

Current Role: Technical Program Manager 


Why did you choose to study the Imperial Global Online MBA?  

I was thrilled to join the Imperial Global Online MBA 2022-24 cohort for several reasons. First, I valued that the distant learning online format allowed me to continue advancing my professional career. I was also drawn to Imperial’s storied history in STEM research and was motivated by the opportunities to blend business and technology. Like a camera, I am motivated to widen my professional aperture. I want to look at my future engineering endeavours through a business lens. Through spaces like the Enterprise Lab, Imperial provides the skills I need to put those opportunities into focus and make them a reality.  

Additionally, the diverse nature of the global programme is incredibly unique and inspiring. My philosophy has always been to surround myself with people who inspire me to become the best version of myself. I’ve learned so much from Imperial’s world-class faculty and my talented cohort of change-makers. 


How have you found the programme so far?

I have found the programme incredibly rewarding and reinvigorating! The on-campus induction week was a stellar way to build meaningful relationships with my cohort and syndicate team. I really appreciated the induction week’s thoughtfully curated itinerary of lectures, speaker series, panel discussions, and group activities that focused on cultivating a growth mindset. One observation has been how workable it has felt to balance career, life, and programme demands each week. The programme allows me the flexibility to accommodate career and life commitments. 

Is the Global Online MBA right for you?

Why I chose to study MSc Economics & Strategy for Business at Imperial College Business School

Swapan Bahrani

Swapan Bahrani, MSc Economics & Strategy for Business student (2022 – 23), discusses why she chose Imperial College Business School and this programme, she also shares why she chose London to be their new home.  

Napoleon Hill once said that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways. Getting an offer from Imperial College Business School has made my belief in this saying even stronger. 

Ever since I started my Bachelor's (Hons.) in Economics at Delhi University, India, I was planning to pursue a degree in Economics for my master’s abroad. However, I needed to consider how this would align with my career goal of entering the corporate domain as a consultant. Personally, I did not wish to take up a job right after my graduation, this is why I was looking at international student experience in Applied Economics to gain the right set of skills and potential for graduate and apprenticeship roles in Economic Consulting.  

Why I chose Imperial College Business School

Imperial College Business School offers the MSc Economics & Strategy for Business programme as part of its Management Masters’ suite. It is a unique and enriching blend of the core concepts of Applied Economics as well as Corporate and Digital Strategy. After receiving offers from around the world for a master’s in Economics and Business Analytics, it was a tough call for me to choose amongst some of the best universities in the world. However, let me start by talking about why the UK was my first preference as a student.  

The benefits of studying in the UK and London

Firstly, universities in the UK have a reputation for intensive and high-quality learning which has been my topmost priority since the beginning of my professional education. Secondly, it is one of the safest and highly ranked spots for student safety and cultural diversity. Regardless of where you come from, you will feel at home in the UK.

What I’ve individually received in the form of personal and professional networking from Imperial College Business School has been beyond my expectations. I call myself fortunate enough to be studying in one of the best cities in the world. London is a city that has something for everybody. It also provides countless work opportunities and networking events for students looking for financial sustenance. This was another very crucial consideration for my choice to move to London once I had all my offers in hand.  

Studying a Management Master's at Imperial College Business School

The Management Masters’ programmes at Imperial College Business School are amalgamations of both soft and hard skills. MSc Economics & Strategy for Business, in particular, as stated earlier, not only provides students with a deep-rooted understanding of economic policy and implementation but also spurs an understanding of economic strategy and decision-making at the corporate level.

It is an enriching experience for students from all domains as the concepts are picked up from ground zero. It facilitates careers in both public and private sectors which gives students an opportunity to build a diverse portfolio and make a choice according to their personal preference. This inherent feature of the course is what drives undergrads and experienced professionals from around the world to pursue this as a Management Master’s degree.  

An active careers service

In addition to this, the careers service at the Business School is active and versatile in providing students with information about companies from a multitude of domains. It does a great job in channelling knowledge and professional guidance through company events, social meetups and alumni networks that are excellent opportunities for active job seekers and young graduates like myself to network and get to know more about company cultures and corporate values.

Students are also advised to take up one on one sessions with careers counsellors to enhance the effectiveness of their resumes and cover letters. This not only paves the way for stronger job applications but also helps students build a sturdier mindset in terms of where their interests lie. What better a blend of academic learning and career guidance could one ask for? 

Work-life balance and why the Global Online MBA programme is the right fit

Part-time MBA UK

Why I chose to study on the Global Online MBA programme at Imperial College Business School

I have a background in fashion design and have spent the past fifteen years working in research and development for luxury and mass retailers. As a concept designer, my role has consisted of forecasting and finding innovative opportunities for corporate retailers. I chose Imperial's Global Online MBA programme for three reasons.

Firstly, the fashion industry is changing, and the role of creatives is too! Improving my business acumen and understanding of sustainability and the triple bottom line is imperative to my growth and the evolution of fashion. The programme and Imperial's clubs have granted me countless opportunities to explore the links between product, marketing, and finance in fashion retail. To my surprise, each course I have taken has included retail case studies, allowing me to delve into the many facets of fashion.

Secondly, I have worked in five countries and value diversity and perspective. Imperial's Global Online MBA has students from 62 nationalities, strengthening our cohort's experience and making discussions more interesting. I am grateful and excited to be surrounded by compelling minds from all over the world!

Lastly, science is a big part of fashion. The most fascinating developments in fashion and retail link to science and tech. As Imperial is a STEM school, I felt that this is the right time for a fashion designer to be in this environment.

Managing the Global Online MBA and a full-time job

As I am based in London, and my team is in Tokyo, my role requires extensive international travel, and I often have meetings at all hours. Although this programme is demanding, our professors ensure that we know how many hours we are expected to study each week and provide clarity on deadlines ahead of time. As a result, I have been able to organize my schedule throughout the MBA programme, making the impact of the MBA on my work-life balance more manageable.

Despite any limitations, you make the most of every day! Whether working in Tokyo, London, Paris or New York City, the programme is organised so that I can attend classes at reasonable hours regardless of the time zone. I have had the pleasure of teaming up and socialising with classmates on six continents, which broadened my network and enriched my life. However, it is essential to note that Imperial ensures our primary syndicate groups are based in similar time zones, which helped us all manage our time and schedule collectively.

Why choose the Global Online MBA programme at Imperial?

Doing an MBA is introspective, but the Global Online MBA is united by the commonality that we would like to improve and grow within an international environment from the comfort of our own surroundings. The programme is flexible in length (21, 24, or 32 months) and has an impressive variety of electives you can attend on or off campus. So, if your job requires you to travel, or you have children and need some flexibility, this could be the MBA for you! 

About Joanna Clarke

Goal setting with a Global Online MBA student

Two female students smiling with laptops

“Setting goals is the first step to turning the invisible into the visible.”

Tony Robbins

In order to make our dreams come true, we first need to know what they are. Setting goals is the process of identifying, understanding, and organising our wants and desires. For students, who have finite time and infinite aspirations, it is crucial to understand what you want to achieve and how you can go about it.

As a Global Online MBA student at Imperial College Business School, I have drawn on the valuable lessons I learned in my first year of study and have come up with a nifty anagram to remember my MBA goals:



L: Learn anything and everything

O: Open your mind

N: Nurture relationships and network

D: Discipline yourself

O: Optimise communication

N: Note your weaknesses

Learn anything and everything

Every graduate student sacrifices time, money, and employment in order to pursue their aspirations for higher education. It is critical that as students we use this opportunity to gain knowledge and learn about anything and everything that comes our way.

Personally, I am aiming to explore new subjects such as sustainability, innovation, and analytics. Imperial offers an eclectic selection of Global Online MBA electives that allow students to discover new topics.

Apart from a diverse academic curriculum, Imperial offers a vast universe of learning opportunities. Students benefit from the Imperial Enterprise Lab “how to” workshops e.g. How to build a financial model. The Careers team conduct workshops on career essentials like writing a CV, cover letter and applications. The Imperial Library aids academic learning by leading sessions on topics such as research tools among others.

For anyone who is willing to learn, the sky is the limit. All we must do is identify goals that appeal to us and let the learning begin!

Open your mind

If our goal is to learn anything and everything, we must unlearn what we think we already know. I realised this in my first year of my MBA programme when I was trying to solve a strategy problem using the tools I had learned as an undergraduate freshman. My teammates were suggesting different techniques but unknowingly my mind was so stuck on my old methods that I was completely closed off to even considering new ways and ideas.

Imperial gives its students the opportunity to meet people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and work profiles. Each person brings with them an opportunity to learn something new. Classes at the Business School are designed to challenge our thought processes and aid us to reinvent ourselves. That is why it is my goal to keep an open mind and embrace all new experiences and perspectives in the coming year.

Nurture relationships and network

The unspoken value of an MBA is the network you build whilst you are studying. Now I am aware many people view networking as this ugly, selfish, transactional term. However, if we approach networking from the point of view of nurturing lifelong relationships with interesting people from all walks of life, then networking can become a beautiful and rewarding thing.

Sure, who we know may help us get our foot in the door and give us access to a myriad of career opportunities. However, if we build real connections with people then the benefits will be much more far reaching. Someone we meet casually could become our future partner in a start-up, a mentor, or even a life-long friend.

Imperial College Business School has tens of business and social clubs like the Finance Club, the Luxury Retail Club, and The Student Investment Fund, whose very purpose is to promote networking among like-minded people. The university even organises events that promote networking with alumni and the larger Imperial university like Coffee Chats and World Café. It is my goal to prioritise networking and make an active effort to nurture relationships with my classmates, professors, tutors and peers in the coming year.

Discipline yourself

Discipline bridges the gap between goals and accomplishments. If there is one thing I learned in the first year of my MBA programme, it is that we have to be disciplined and keep up with the work! As a Global Online MBA student, I am juggling full-time work, studies, hobbies, family, and social life on a daily basis. When there are so many things that need to get done, I can’t afford to procrastinate.

I find that it is crucial to establish an efficient work routine and to commit to it, even when I really do not want to do what needs to be done. To help manage my busy schedule, I have attended useful workshops on time management and revision offered by the Imperial Library and the Graduate School. There are many other resources that Imperial offers that can support with self-development. It is my goal to utilise these resources in the new year and to discipline my mind so that I can achieve my other goals.

Optimise communication

Communication works for those who practise. I went into the MBA feeling very confident about my communication skills as I am naturally extroverted and very comfortable expressing my opinions. However, after taking MBA core modules like Organizational Behaviour and Leadership I realised that self-expression is only half the story in communication.

The other, arguably more important part, is listening to others and making them feel heard. Turns out I am not so good at this bit. Therefore, it is my goal to optimise my communication skills in the year ahead.

Imperial offers extensive resources on improving communication skills. The Graduate School’s workshop on “Giving Presentations” and the Leadership module have both been very useful in supporting my learning.

Note your weaknesses

Self-awareness is the first step to self-improvement. If we are not aware of our shortcomings, or we are  in denial, then there can be no improvement in our lives. My classes at Imperial provided many self-testing questionaires like Myers Briggs, Mach IV, Personality Traits etc. These enabled me to understand myself better. I could pinpoint the facets of my personality that were hindering my growth and work on them actively. It is my goal to continue learning about myself in the coming year and to turn my weaknesses into strengths.

So, there you have it – my goals for the year are LONDON. I encourage you to think about your own goals and wish you all the success in your development journey.

Aarkriti Jhunjhunwala, Global Online MBA 2021-23, student at Imperial College Business School

About Aakriti Jhunjhunwala

Global Online MBA

A Review - My first 100 days of an Imperial Full-Time MBA

Komal Bapna Imperial

Komal Bapna, Full-Time MBA student shares her experience of her first 100 days studying the programme at Imperial College Business School.

10 March 2022

The News   

It was my dad's birthday. We were just about to cut the birthday cake and I screamed I got in! I am going to London to complete a Full-Time MBA. I am going to be joining Imperial College Business School. That's the moment I knew my life was going to change. Throughout the application process, it was a possibility but now it was happening. I was finally fulfilling my London dream.  

The next few months were exactly how you would imagine them to be – very busy. The visa application, the nervous moment when I opened my passport to see if I had received the visa, the endless nights of hustle trying to get my new home in London, and a few trips with close friends and family.  

25 August 2022


The day was here. I was all packed, super excited and not nervous but super anxious with Butterflies in my tummy. I remember my family telling me to enjoy this next year; just soak in the experience and not put any pressure on a job/visa or sponsorship.  My brother drove myself and my parents to the airport and my cousins and my best friends were all there, waving at me as I departed. Hours later, I landed in London. As I stepped into my mews apartment in Kensington, I felt proud of myself.  


5 September 2022

Day 0 

Dressed in my powder pink suit, I walked through the cobbled street to my first day at Imperial College Business School. The next two weeks were a busy and exciting ride as we had an amazing induction planned for us. From the Welcome day at Saatchi Gallery to the adventure team-building trip to Reading – the school and the programme team made sure that I got to know my diverse cohort, that represents 30 nationalities extremely well. 

To be honest, I was overwhelmed as I realised it was not just the Business School but the entire university including Royal Colleges and Global Challenge Institutes that I had access to! The induction week introduced me to the endless opportunities and networking available within the Imperial Realm.  

By the end of induction, the Business School felt like home. The routine was set, and we went straight into our curriculum. We were thoughtfully split into our diverse study groups to make the most of our peers here at the Business School. The classes had begun, from Business Analytics to my favourite Innovation and Entrepreneurship module – it was all happening and so fast!  

To make the most of my time here, I also applied to be a part of the career clubs at the Business School. Being a fintech professional and tech enthusiast, I wanted to be a core part of the Finance Career Club. In a week I was the Head of fintech for the Business School and I was already planning my first event for the Autumn term. While navigating through this new student life, I was also making sure I get the complete essence of living in London! From visiting Richmond Park, and Hampstead Heath to the London markets and South Bank – every weekend I tried to get out and explore the city before the chilly and cozy winters began! 

Komal Bapna Group Photo
Komal Bapna Diwali

23 October 2022 


As weeks passed, Diwali was here. Diwali is one of India's largest festivals celebrated across the globe. It's a festival of lights, a festival to be with your family at home! But this Diwali I was in my new home, London with my new family. But to my pleasant surprise, I missed my family a little less than I imagined, this was thanks to the boat party that our social heads arranged. Dressed in traditional Indian outfits while on the banks of the Thames, we all danced and grooved to Bollywood music all night.  

Just when I thought my learning curve was steep enough, it was time for the Imperial Innovation Challenge (IIC). It was going to be held at Scale Space which is a part of the Imperial's White city campus. Scale Space is a very interesting state-of-the-art facility built in collaboration with Blenheim Chalcot. It's not just a co-working space but a community for start-ups to incubate, innovate, grow and scale. As a part of the IIC, we were assigned a team and each team had to work on a complex technology that is still in ideation/design or testing. Within 10 days of not knowing what solar fuels are to my first MIRO board, I pitched to a panel of investors an alternate use of the technology of solar fuel with my five-member team. 

With October ending on this note, November started with more than a dozen deadlines and events to look forward to! While trying to sail through the weeks of deadlines and submissions, one particular project that stood out for me was the strategy group project. It was the perfect example of working in ambiguity and under time pressure. As a team, we picked up the video gaming industry to analyse (none of us in the team had direct experience in), and in a week I knew so much about that industry including the top three US publishers and their strategic competence. I also conducted my first fintech panel as a host, themed - Purpose Driven Fintech. What made this term even more special was my first interview experience, I got shortlisted for one of the top entertainment companies in the world and had the opportunity to interview with them while hustling through the course.  

Well, I cannot write this blog without the word 'networking'. Though I have been meeting new people every day since I stepped foot in London, the Full-Time MBA also introduced me to speed networking! In the first week of December, the careers team organised an MBA cross-cohort speed networking event - the MBA World Café. It was a wonderful experience to get introduced to Alumni/Weekend and Global MBAs in 10-minute round table sessions. What made the event even more special was that I was covering it live on Imperial College Business School's Instagram as a content creator. In the same week, we also had the MBA winter party – a small celebration of the Autumn term with some mulled wine and Christmas cheer.  

16 December 2022 

Day 100 

 And the day was here, after strenuous two weeks of studying, the social leads planned a Secret Santa Soiree for the class at a fancy venue where we exchanged gifts, laughed all night, reflecting over the term while sipping on Christmas cocktails.  

Komal Bapna and friends
Komal Bapna Business School

Looking forward to the next 9 months 

While that was the Autumn term at Imperial College Business School in 2022, there is so much that I'm looking forward to in 2023. Amongst the zillion things that I am yet to experience in the spring and summer terms, the things I look forward to most in the next 9 months:

  1. Scholars Reception and Winter Ball at the National History Museum  

  1. MBA Careers Week 

  1. London Tech Trek  

  1. Global Experience Week – Rio Di Janeiro, Brazil 

  1. Summer Internship 

  1. The Entrepreneurial Journey  

  1. Summer Ball  

  1. Startup nation elective in Tel Aviv, Israel  

  1. MBA capstone  

The last 100 days summed up as "What we learn with pleasure we never forget." - Alfred Mercie 

Komal Bapna group shot

Blog by Komal Bapna

Imperial College Executive Education joins group of world-leading Business Schools to bring ESG expertise to Bain & Company’s Global Operations

Imperial College Executive Education has partnered with the London office of Bain & Company to provide a specialist ESG-focused training programme, upskilling the company’s consultants around the world.

 In the largest move of its kind within the top tier management consulting sector, Bain & Company’s Further Academy Programme is offering an accelerated and specialised, post-graduate-level global ESG training programme to upskill all its consultants across the firm worldwide.

Faculty from Imperial College Business School, Grantham Institute and Centre for Environmental Policy have collaborated to create a curriculum tailored to support the firm’s goal of integrating ESG into 100% of its client work, reflecting the global imperative for companies across sectors to build sustainability and ESG into the fabric of their businesses.

Bain’s consultants and advisors, from entry-level to senior partners, will join the programme, equipping them to better advise on ESG issues within their areas of expertise and deliver on Bain’s own ambitious sustainable development goals.

Alongside Imperial, other world class institutions such as; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, HEC Paris, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and Melbourne Business School’s Centre for Sustainability and Business in Australia, will also provide their expertise. 

François Faelli, Global Managing Partner for ESG at Bain & Company, said: “Reaching net zero on a global scale requires a tremendous investment in ESG skills. The next generation of business leaders must intuitively understand how to balance financial and non-financial objectives. I am proud to say that we will very shortly have succeeded in delivering this training for thousands of our advisors who will help steer our clients towards a more sustainable future.”

David Brown, Director of Executive Education at Imperial College Business School, added: "Imperial College is at the forefront of research and innovation for tackling the climate emergency, building new energy solutions, circular economies and driving sustainable and inclusive development. Understanding and addressing these challenges is a core part of our mission.”

Leaf background with text "empowering consultants with sustainability and ESG training. Together." and logos of Imperial College Executive Education and Bain and Company

Imperial College Custom Programmes

Discover how we can partner to develop a custom training programme for your organisation

Meet the Specialised Masters' class of 2022-23

Imeprial students programme mba

Our Specialised Masters’ are a set of uniquely crafted programmes designed for students looking to develop theoretical and practical knowledge in some of the most rapidly evolving industries. 

In September we welcomed five new Specialised Masters’ cohorts to Imperial College Business School, eager to start their journey towards expert-level knowledge and a successful career in the sector of their choice. 

The Specialised Masters’ suite covers a wide range of subjects. The programmes available are: 

In this article you will find out more about each class, the students, their motivations for joining their programme, and what’s in store for them. 

During their studies, the students will learn about their specialised subject through a variety of core modules, electives, and projects, which will not only educate them in the field but help them to secure incredible roles within or found innovative organisations and drive impactful change on a global scale. 

Welcome to the Specialised Masters’ class of 2022-23. 


What does the new class look like? 

Specialised Masters' Class 2022-23

Fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment is one of Imperial’s key priorities, and is reflected in the melting pot of backgrounds and nationalities that make up the newest Specialised Masters’ cohort.  

Having a class that is made up of such varied individuals challenges our students and encourages them to consider alternative ways of thinking. This year’s group have a wealth of learning opportunities available to them thanks to the 64 nationalities that make up the 420 strong cohort. 

MSc Business Analytics 

Ranked #5 in the world in the QS World University Rankings: Masters in Business Analytics Rankings 2023, MSc Business Analytics at Imperial prepares graduates for a future of data-driven and evidence-based decision-making. Although grounded in rigorous technical and quantitative training, our programme also provides opportunities to apply your learning in a practical setting. Electives and projects are sector-focussed, giving students the opportunity to tailor the programme to their interests. 

The programme is available in two study modes, a one-year, full-time programme, studied at our campus in London, or as a part-time, two-year online programme, studied from anywhere in the world. 

This year’s full-time, on-campus programme achieved strong female representation (49% female) and has students that come from a wide variety of academic backgrounds, with the most popular being: Engineering/Technology (25%), Economics (24%), Finance/Accounting (17%) and Business/Management (16%). 

The online, part-time programme students have an average age of 27, with many of them choosing to take advantage of the part-time nature of the programme and continue working in their current role where they can apply the learnings to their day-to-day projects. 

Meet an MSc Business Analytics student

Philipp Dewey

Philipp Dewey 

Nationality: German






Why did you choose to study MSc Business Analytics?  

While completing my undergraduate degree, I gained an interest in platform-based business solutions by developing an analytical management platform for a leading automotive company. After gathering academic and professional experience, I identified the huge potential of data analytics. Imperial College Business School’s innovative MSc Business Analytics programme offers the unique opportunity of pursuing these academic interests at a leading university while networking with the diverse Imperial community and benefitting from the incredible offering of the Business School’s career services.  

What are your future career plans?  

Imperial College Business School’s MSc Business Analytics programme offers a world-class analytics education and extremely valuable insights into machine learning. After receiving support from the Business School’s incredible Careers Service, I am currently applying for roles as Data Analyst, Business Analyst and Strategy Consultant. 

MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance 

MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance is a one-year programme that prepares the next generation of climate change and sustainability business leaders. On this ground-breaking programme, students learn from leading practitioners and world leading climate change faculty to put the latest academic thinking on business and climate science strategies into practice. 

This year’s MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance cohort is made up of 112 students, with 53% of those students being female. A truly global cohort, 29 nationalities are represented in the class of 2021-22 having studied a range of undergraduate subjects such as Business/Management (33%), Economics (20%), Science/Medicine (16%), Arts/Humanities (15%) – all united by the desire to make the world a greener place. 

Meet an MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance student

Shernia Joseph

Shernia Joseph 

Nationality: St Lucian






Why did you choose to study MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance?  

While I enjoyed working in finance, I desired a career more closely aligned with the causes I care about. I had always been environmentally conscious, and as a Caribbean national, I had seen first-hand the negative impacts of climate change as storms and droughts became more severe and unpredictable. Given that financial markets and corporations play a key role in the transition to a low-carbon world, I viewed this connection as an excellent opportunity to make an impact using my finance skills. I grew curious about sustainable business, climate finance, and climate change adaptation, which led me to pursue this Masters’ programme at Imperial College Business School. And so far, the programme has not disappointed!  

What do you hope to achieve with the programme?  

Before I started this programme, I mainly looked forward to business-related modules. However, after two months of studies, I find the science and technology-based modules equally (if not more) interesting! I now hope to graduate with a solid, modern knowledge of cleantech, sustainable finance, and everything in between, allowing me the flexibility to work in various capacities in the sustainability sector. I am also excited to build the technical skills necessary for success in this area, and most importantly, to gain a network of ambitious professionals who share my passion for climate change. 

MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management 

MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management is a one-year full-time programme that builds students’ toolkit in the three key areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and management, teaching them how to manage successful outcomes to create, deliver and capture value from innovation. These students are future angel investors, unicorn founders, innovators and creators. 

As well as the varied programme content, there are many opportunities for students to get involved in Imperial’s dynamic enterprising culture including the Imperial Enterprise Lab

This year’s cohort of 84 students come from across the world, representing 31 different nationalities with 48% female students. On this programme, the most common degree that students have is in Business/Management (44%), while the other half of the cohort have a rich range of backgrounds. Subjects that students have studied prior include Arts/Humanities (18%), Engineering/Technology (12%), Finance/Accounting (10%), and Economics (8%). 

The nature of the programme means that all students, no matter their previous experience, are united by a true passion for entrepreneurship. 


Meet MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management students

Babatunde Oguntade

Babatunde Oguntade 

Nationality: Nigerian






Why did you choose to study MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management? 

Having been in industry for a little while before embarking on a Masters’ programme, I was clear that my long-term career goals encompassed technology product leadership and venture building in emerging markets. While going through the process of selecting a school and programme, it was important to me that both serve as a launchpad for these goals.  

The unique mix of business, technology, innovation and leadership concepts in MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management made it a no-brainer. Looking through the outline, I noticed programmes at the Business School are specially tailored to emphasise how leaders should think to drive their organisation's business and growth. The opportunity to do work placements and get involved in startup activities made the programme an excellent choice for me. 

Beyond the academics and considering the reputation of Imperial College Business School, I also had expectations of meeting a rich range of talented people with diverse perspectives. The MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management class 2022/23 and the larger student base have certainly delivered in this regard. 


Lauren Decker

Lauren Decker 

Nationality: French






What are your future career plans?  

My goal is to combine my interest in sustainable fashion with my previous experience in impact investing to join a venture capital firm that finances companies shaping the future of responsible fashion and fast-moving consumer goods. My previous work experience allowed me to see how necessary sustainable innovations are for the fashion industry. Through the MSc in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management I am sure I will be well equipped with both the managerial knowledge and the entrepreneurial mindset to achieve my career goals. 

MSc International Health Management 

This programme combines business-focussed teaching and cutting-edge research, giving students the chance to learn from internationally recognised faculty at the forefront of health management research. The programme is specifically designed to give an overview of the UK health system and its application in a global context. 

This year’s class of 83 students represent a vast range of nationalities with students joining the class from all over the world. The top countries that the students have joined us from are China, India, UK, Indonesia, the United States of America and France. Due to the subject matter, the majority of students (71%) come from a Science/Medicine background looking to enhance their knowledge of business and the health management sector. 

Meet an MSc International Health Management student

Lindsey Pigott

Lindsey Pigott

Nationality: American






Why did you choose to study MSc International Health Management? 

I chose to study MSc International Health Management because I knew I wanted to get exposure to the global healthcare sector via the scope of business. Through my research, I found that Imperial College Business School’s prestigious programme, excellent faculty, and global focus would help me achieve my career goals. Since arriving here, I have also had the opportunity to meet incredibly talented and impressive peers from a wide variety of diverse sectors. I have been able to learn not only from the faculty, but also the outstanding cohort in my programme. It has been an incredible opportunity to discuss current healthcare issues with future healthcare leaders. 

What do you hope to achieve with the programme?  

While it is a lofty goal, I genuinely want to make the world a better place through business. My passion is international health access and equity. While I have dedicated my career to these goals thus far, the education from Imperial is incredibly impactful, both in technical skills as well as career planning resources. My hope is to take the lessons, skills, and connections I achieve from this programme in order to work in operations of a major hospital or health system. My long-term goal is to be the CEO of a hospital, and I believe the lessons learned in my time at Imperial will get me there! 

How is leadership development changing at Imperial College Business School?

Leads trip

We spoke to Celia Moore, a Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Director of the Centre for Responsible Leadership at Imperial College Business School. She tells us what students can expect from the LEADS module within Imperial’s Full-Time MBA. 

“Our aim is to help benefit future generations and develop competent and responsible leaders in society. We want all our students to care about the long-term health of society and the wellbeing of those they serve.” 

The LEADS module (Leadership, Ethics, Awareness, Diversity, Society) starts from the very first month of the Full-Time MBA and runs throughout the duration of the programme. It is an immersive module that allows students to appreciate the fundamentals of modern business leadership and the factors that influence one’s ability to make effective, ethically reasoned decisions. Our students consider what qualities are representative of a good leader, while deliberating ethics, their values and resilience.

The Imperial MBA adopts a unique approach to teaching this module. For example, as part of the programme, students are tasked with reading a fiction novel. This is viewed as a perspective-taking exercise; reading a fiction book transports us to the lives of other people and allows us to understand and share the feelings of multiple different characters. This is a way of decentering ourselves, temporarily forgetting the ego and gaining greater empathy for the lives of others.

“Studies, including my own data collected from former MBA students, have shown that reading literary fiction dampens one sense of self-important, and increases one’s focus on and ability to empathise with others, key orientations of the leaders we are trying to develop at Imperial College Business. Reading allows us to imagine what it’s like to be in other people’s shoes and compare their responses to ourselves; we consider their goals against our own.” 

Another unique aspect of the module is making students more self-aware and attentive to their surroundings. As part of their learning, our students are tasked to go without their mobile phones for an hour at the local V&A museum - something that many view as challenging initially. But quickly, the students realise how much more they think and notice as a result. 

For example, at galleries, on average people spend 30 seconds looking at a painting. However, when students are given the time to pay close attention to a painting without a phone, they notice themselves questioning more deeply – such as considering how the artist felt as they painted this, how long it took, why they chose to paint it and so forth. This highlighted the benefits of becoming a perceptive and attentive business leader; if you can notice and comprehend changes in a situation, you can understand the problem and solution more thoroughly.  

“To be a good leader, it is important to consider others and appreciate their feelings.”

As part of this module, students attend a trip away - last year they went to a National Park, Wales. This park is vast, comprising misty, forested mountains and beautiful countryside; it is an environment that is very different to a classroom and students walked 25km across the park. This trip provides students with the opportunity and time to reflect on themselves and with each other, in a very different environment to what they are used to, with greater clarity. Many students come away from this experience, feeling like a changed person.  

The aim of this LEADS module is to help students determine who they want to be as a leader, what type of leader they want to become and how they will maintain this going forward.

 “Leadership can be very challenging, therefore learning to do it right, well and responsibly is integral.”

FTMBA leads module trip

LEADS Capstone

Learnings from the LEADS module culminate in the LEADS capstone; students attend a trip away and this off-campus excursion allows students to fully consider their learnings  - last year students went to a National Park in Wales. This park is vast, comprising misty, forested mountains and beautiful countryside; it is an environment that is very different to a classroom and students walked 25km across the park. This trip provides students with the opportunity and time to reflect on themselves and with each other, in a very different environment to what they are used to, with greater clarity.  This experiential assessment challenges students to look back on their progress throughout the year and assess whether they've met their objectives, how these might change going forward, and what their future as a well-developed leader might look like. Many students come away from this experience, feeling like a changed person. 

The aim of this LEADS module is to help students determine who they want to be as a leader, what type of leader they want to become and how they will maintain this going forward.

 “Leadership can be very challenging, therefore learning to do it right, well and responsibly is integral.”

Leads trip selfie
Leads module trip

Kim Glajchen, Full-Time MBA 2022-23 student shares his experience:

How did the Capstone experience complete your MBA? What did it allow you to experience that helped launch you in your new professional endeavours?

On day 1 of Capstone, the facilitators spoke to the cohort about liminal experiences in life. These are categorised as experiences we undergo when we are transitioning between two different phases of life. Often, these are presented to us in the form of a traditional or ritualistic rite of passage. Capstone became this memorable and essential liminal experience for me.

What surprised you about the module?

Given the fast paced nature of the one year Full-Time MBA programme, it felt good to be given the opportunity to take stock of the year and reflect on the multiple friendships made, lessons learned and developmental insights acquired over the journey. This was especially appreciated given the fact that the cohort had been mostly separated throughout the duration of the elective term.

What does hiking in the outdoors have to do with leadership development?

Each student was allowed to choose their own adventure in order to derive as much out of the trip as possible. Personally, this is precisely the ending to the year I was looking for as it provided the space for a deliberate reflective journey, which coupled with the beautiful and inspiring surroundings, helped provide some opportunities for closure and self-actualisation.

About Helen Richardson

Content Marketing Officer
Content Marketing Officer, working on content creation.

Meet the Management Masters’ class of 2022-23

Class profile

In September, we welcomed our new cohort of bright Management students to Imperial College Business School. The class have an exciting challenge ahead, as they begin developing skills that will propel their careers at leading, global organisations.  

The Management Masters’ programmes that you can apply for at the Business School are: 

In total, 739 students join us this year across these Management programmes, 64% are female and the average class age is 22. Diversity is core at Imperial therefore, we are delighted to welcome a cohort that represents 72 nationalities, giving our students access to an international network and exposing them to many different cultures.  

Management meet the class 2022-23

Our world-class Management Master's programmes inspire and develop innovative minds to be the world’s future business leaders. Our Management programmes are truly relevant to business, with a combination of academic rigour and applied expertise. These programmes aim to prepare ambitious graduates for a successful career in a wide variety of sectors such as consulting, financial services, and marketing. We offer cross-programme learning opportunities to provide you with the advanced skills and knowledge to be successful, impactful leaders. 

The class have an exciting year (or two) to look forward to, and for many it’s a new place to call home. Living in London puts our students in a central position to develop relationships with international organisations. Very quickly, they will establish a lifelong global network of friends and contacts over the forthcoming year. We offer our students personalised one to one career support to help nurture and support these network connections.   

We look forward to seeing all our students’ achievements this coming year. Our MSc programmes will equip them all with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue their ambitious business goals. With access to our world-class faculty and their cutting-edge research, studying with us will open doors across the world. 

MSc International Management 

MSc International Management is an exciting one-year full-time programme, that equips students from business backgrounds with advanced global leadership skills to enhance their career in business in a technology-driven world. Imperial College Business School was placed 2nd in the UK* in the Financial Times Masters in Management ranking 2022 (*excluding multi-campus programmes).  

We are part of the Global MiM network, this is an international exchange programme between four leading business schools. It provides students with the fantastic opportunity to study at another business school for up to one term, as part of their Imperial College Business School programme. This gives our students a unique, global study experience. 

66 students join us this year for our MSc International Management programme, 53% are female and the average class age is 22. The class represents 20 nationalities with students coming from a variety of backgrounds, such as Business/Management (48%), Economics (18%) and Finance/Accounting (17%). 

Anna Shirtstova

Anna Shirtstova 

Nationality: Russian 

Education: Kings College 

How has receiving the MIM Global Leadership Scholarship benefitted you? 

While I was born in Russia, I moved to the UK when I was 12 years old and went to a secondary school in a small city on the South coast of England, Brighton. I completed my undergraduate studies at King’s College London, studying a multidisciplinary course Social Sciences, which consists of economics, politics and sociology with quantitative methods. During this course, I discovered my passion for social change and created a company that helps disadvantaged students from all over the world to access scholarships in the world - leading American and British Universities. As a scholarship holder myself, I know how many opportunities the scholarship offers. It is not confined to financial benefits, as it also allows one to connect to an exclusive community of other scholarship recipients and build strong ties with the lecturers and staff at Imperial College London. Receiving the Global Leadership scholarship also boosted my self-esteem and made me feel more confident to expand this start-up idea into a bigger project by involving other businesses and non-profits in sharing my vision.  

What are you most looking forward to studying on this programme? 

MSc International Management at Imperial College Business School will equip me with the necessary leadership skills that are crucial in navigating through the socio-political changes. Leadership is a key skill; adapting your thinking and motivating your team to embrace an ever-transforming business climate and keep up with the needs of society. The module, such as Global immersion, allows our cohort to explore other cultures in emerging global economies of Dubai and Singapore and discover their approaches to technology and entrepreneurship. Therefore, the Business School offers a lot of opportunities to get to know other cultures and stay globally connected to like-minded leaders, a key aspect in an increasingly cosmopolitan world.  

Jolande Bot-Vos, Academic Director for MSc International Management and MSc Management said:


It is great to again welcome so many international students to our programmes. Learning together with people from so many different backgrounds and cultures is a great asset for the programme and for you. Together students bring a network of intelligence from around the world. You will be able to learn new things with each other and from each other, widening your global perspective on business. As the workplace operates in a global space this experience is invaluable. When asked, students often mention this new network of friends as one of the highlights of their experience at the Business School. 

MSc Management 

MSc Management is a rigorous, one-year, full-time Master's degree programme that prepares recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds for a breadth of different careers in management such as management consulting and professional services. We are continually ranked amongst the world’s top global programmes; our Master's in Management has an excellent worldwide reputation thus our graduates stand out from the crowd.  

Our students will study core modules to build their foundation in business, and then they have the chance to tailor and personalise their very own elective portfolio to suit their personal academic and career ambitions. 

This year we are joined by 182 students, 51% are female and the average class age is 22. Imperial’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment, that all our students can thrive in, is visible across our programmes. MSc management is no different in this regard, with our class of 2022-23 representing 42 different nationalities. This provides students with an opportunity for innovative global thinking. Each student joins with their own unique background, many have joined from an Arts/Humanities (49%) and Business/Management (31%) background.  

Olivia Charland

Olivia Charland 

Nationality: American 

Pogramme: Microbiology & Cell Science, minor in Public Health at the University of Florida.  

What is your background? 

I completed my undergraduate degree in Microbiology and Cell Science at the University of Florida. During this time, I learned about how the biological world operates on a molecular level. Research was a large focus of my degree, where I worked on identifying genes responsible for the autoimmune disease lupus. In my senior year, I worked in the technology licensing office at an innovation incubator to bring research discoveries from the lab to the market. Throughout my undergraduate career, I also held various leadership positions in campus organisations.  

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Management? 

While I enjoyed my undergraduate studies in the life sciences, I felt I was missing the core knowledge needed to pursue a career in business. I was attracted to the innovative curriculum and diverse community that the MSc Management programme offers. Modules such as Economics and Operations Management are developing my real-world problem solving and leadership skills to be successful in the workplace. I especially like that you can tailor your academic journey by choosing different electives that reflect your interests. You can specialise in a particular sector, for example finance, marketing, innovation, and more. Joining Imperial College Business School has opened up a truly diverse community that allows me to gain new perspectives and build an international network. The MSc Management programme at Imperial is expanding my knowledge of business principles while surrounding me with bright, inspiring people every day! I am growing both personally and professionally through this programme, and to top it off, London is the best place to have this experience.  

MSc Economics & Strategy for Business 

MSc Economics & Strategy for Business is a distinctive one-year, full-time programme, it combines cutting edge strategic analysis with contemporary economics, thus preparing students for specialist economic and management consultancies and financial services. 

The focus of the programme is interdisciplinary, taught by faculty immersed in leading edge research and business practice in global strategy, economics, digital applications, innovation and risk management. This unique focus allows our students to apply the core principals in real world situations through stimulating lectures, data analysis, immersive business simulations, real world consultancy projects and work placement. 

This year, we are pleased to welcome 187 students to our MSc Economics & Strategy for Business programme this year, 65% of students are female and the average class age is 21. In this 2022-23 cohort, 40 nationalities are represented, giving our students access to a global network. Each student joins with their own career story, many join us from an Economics (65%) and Business/Management (24%) background.  


Dimitris Kiourtis  

Nationality: Greek  

Education: MA Hons Economics with Finance, University of Edinburgh  

What is your background prior to studying MSc Economics & Strategy for Business?   

I was born and raised in Kavala, a small town in the north of Greece with limited educational and professional opportunities. Around the age of 16, I decided to pursue the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Thessaloniki, a nearby city. This 2-year programme reinforced my interest in Economics, Finance and Businesses and helped me secure a place to study Economics at the University of Edinburgh. During my undergraduate studies I was involved in several extracurricular activities. Most importantly, in my third year I was elected president of the Trading & Investment Club, a role that required me to oversee all activities of the university’s largest student-led society. At the same time, I strived to build professional experience by interning in the consulting and advisory teams of PwC, Deloitte and EY in Greece. Eventually, in my final year, I interned in the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs in London, receiving an offer to return as a full-time Analyst after my graduation from Imperial in 2023.   

Why did you choose to study MSc Economics & Strategy for Business at Imperial College Business School? 

MSc Economics & Strategy for Business at Imperial College Business School combines two principles that truly interest me, and which I believe will be vital to my long-term success in the fields of Finance and Business. Economics, on the one hand, is a subject I studied in-depth during my undergraduate degree. Nevertheless, the focus on business applications is a lot more prevalent now. Our lecturers take time to explain how businesses use microeconomic concepts to improve their performance, already giving us an edge in our future careers. The strategy component is equally intriguing; through numerous case studies, we learn about shrewd business practices, which we are then called on to apply to real-life cases of our choice. Our ability to set business strategy is further amplified through our Business Analytics courses, which familiarise us with data science. Using these tools, we can understand market trends and consumer preferences with higher accuracy and therefore better advise our clients in the future.  

The level of teaching, the organisation of the programme and the career opportunities offered to students have so far exceeded my expectations. I look forward to the rest of this fruitful, and intellectually stimulating year.   

MSc Strategic Marketing (on-campus, full-time)  

Our Master's programme draws on our world-class marketing faculty and thought leaders in strategy, entrepreneurship, and technology. Therefore, this provides a unique ‘Imperial view’ of marketing — i.e. one where marketing fundamentals intersect with the latest in technology and innovation, and where marketing science is blended with data-driven decision making for business. 

This programme is available in two study modes our Strategic Marketing Master's programme is available as a one year, full-time programme, studied at our campus in London, or as a part-time, two year online programme, studied from anywhere in the world alongside your career. 

Our MSc Strategic Marketing (on campus, full-time) programme comprises 252 students, 73% being female and average class age being 23. Imperial places an emphasis on diversity so we are pleased to represent 44 nationalities in this cohort. Students come from many backgrounds including Business/Management (51%), Arts/Humanities (18%) and Marketing/Advertising (16%).  

Emma Chossegros  

Nationality: French  

Education: Neoma Business School, Bachelor in Business followed by a Masters in Management  

What is your background prior to studying MSc Strategic Marketing?   

Prior to joining Imperial College Business School, I did a BA in Business and a two-year master’s in management. I also completed two 6-months internships as a brand manager assistant and trade & merchandising assistant in the LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics division, an apprenticeship as a product development assistant at the Japanese cosmetic company Shiseido. I also worked a 7-month maternity leave cover with Make Up Forever, an LVMH company in Dubai.     

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Strategic Marketing?    

I chose to study MSc Strategic Marketing to gain specific skills complementing my previous master’s in management, and to gain international employment opportunities.   

I have chosen marketing electives such as Data Analytics, Consumer Behaviour and Digital Marketing. I hope to deepen my understanding of these subfields at Imperial College Business School thanks to its data-oriented and innovative approach.  

I know that the renowned alumni network and career service of Imperial College London will give me a competitive edge when applying to marketing positions in the beauty and luxury sectors across the world.  

MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) 

Our MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) enables our students to graduate with the same programme certification as our top-ranked MSc Strategic Marketing (on campus) programme, without interrupting their careers. The online format means our students can study anywhere in the world.  

Our core modules will help our students cement the foundation required as a marketing leader. The wide range of electives gives our students the opportunity to personalise their programme and help differentiate themselves from other graduates.  

52 students join our online MSc Strategic Marketing programme, 75% are female with the average class age being 27. This is a diverse cohort with 32 nationalities being represented, and students join from a large breadth of backgrounds, including Business/Management (50%) Arts/Humanities (31%) and Marketing/Advertising (7%).  


Sadie Onosode 

Nationality: Nigerian  

Education: BA Politics & International Relations, University of Reading  

What is your background prior to studying MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time)?  

Prior to studying Strategic Marketing at Imperial, I was studying Politics & IR at Reading having just returned from California, USA where I had enrolled to study Biosystems Engineering. I worked part-time in marketing, content management jobs and SEO internships in the final year of my undergraduate degree to prepare myself for the MSc programme at Imperial. These jobs were mostly remote, giving me the opportunity to work from various locations such as London, Reading, and Lagos, Nigeria and also preparing me for an online learning environment much like the MSc Strategic Marketing (online) programme. 

Why did you choose to study MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) at Imperial College Business School?  

The MSc Strategic Marketing (online, part-time) programme at Imperial College Business School gave me the unique opportunity I had been looking for, which was to have the option and flexibility of learning anywhere while pursuing other goals I had, be it personal or career-related. The programme incorporates an online structure that perfectly suits part-time learners while providing a plethora of resources to assist students with their future career plans such as entrepreneurship. This ensures I will be gaining the skills I need to succeed in the world of business and beyond. After the rise of Covid-19 and the pandemic era, I was interested to see how businesses were impacted by this and what new measures and strategies they were using to get their messages across to their consumers. The MSc Strategic Marketing programme provided the right modules – such as Digital Marketing and Strategic Marketing Management – projects and resources to ensure I could have the answers to my questions, build the knowledge I needed to enter the marketing industry and put me on the right path to thrive in the field. 

By choosing to study this programme at Imperial College Business School, immersing myself in Imperial’s multicultural community, and representing a world-renowned institution where I can flourish as a Masters’ student, I am assured that I have made the right decision for myself and my future and this is honestly the best feeling.  

About Helen Richardson

Content Marketing Officer
Content Marketing Officer, working on content creation.

Meet the Finance Masters' class of 2022-23

Finance Recruitment Presentation

This September, we welcomed another great cohort of Finance Master’s students as they begin their one-year journey on the following programmes:  

640 students have joined Imperial College Business School across these 5 programmes, with 46% of students being female and the average age being 22. The cohort comprises 71 nationalities, giving students a diverse and enriching learning environment. Each student brings with them a unique career and educational background, many have come from a Mathematics, Finance/Accounting and Economics, as well as a Science/Medicine background. 

Finance suite meet the class 2022-23

Our students can look forward to learning through a combination of the latest research, practical application, and studying a wide variety of topics at Imperial College Business School. Furthermore, each student can choose their own set of core modules and programme electives, enabling them to tailor and personalise their programme. These include Entrepreneurial Finance, Real Estate Investment, and Innovation and Strategy in FinTech. These are shared across all 5 programmes; therefore, students can socialise and network across our Finance Masters’.  

The Business School has developed strong connections with leading companies in the City of London and beyond, providing opportunities for our students to build their skills and confidence in the real world. Each student will gain new, unique skills that will help secure them a successful role in corporate finance, fintech, investment banking, wealth management or any other area of finance they may choose.  

We look forward to seeing all our student’s achievements this coming year.  

MSc Finance 

Ranked #16 in the world in the Financial Times Masters in Finance Ranking 2022, our programme has a proven track record of securing students competitive jobs in the finance industry in sectors such as investment banking, asset management and consultancy. The programme also helps our MSc Finance students to obtain their Chartered Financial Analyst designation, as a member of the CFA University Affiliation Program. 

Our 2022-23 cohort is made up of 89 students, 33% of these being female and an average class age of 22. 28 nationalities are represented in our class, exposing our students to new cultures, and providing them with an opportunity for innovative global thinking. Our students join us from varying backgrounds including Economics (52%), Engineering/Technology (10%) and Finance/Accounting (18%), as well as Mathematics (11%).  


Zhfian Xu 

Nationality: Chinese 

Education: Imperial College London, Bachelor of Design Engineering 

What is your background prior to studying MSc Finance?   

I studied engineering and product design before joining Imperial College Business School. Previously, I had experience working in consultancy, venture capital, real estate, quantitative asset management and lots more. 

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Finance? 

In the long term, I want to be an entrepreneur. I want to create something people want in the future. I believe financial and economic education, delivered through courses such as corporate finance and business valuation, is crucial to make smart financing/investment decisions for the company. Therefore, the programme will be very valuable to me, providing the education I desire.  

In the short term, I am very intrigued by financial markets, because they enable me to quantify the impact of my decisions and continually improve my methodology. I think the ability to understand macro drivers on a top-down level and company specific drivers on a bottom-up level is highly transferrable; it will be extremely beneficial for a future business leader.

MSc Finance & Accounting 

MSc Finance & Accounting is accredited by both ACCA and CIMA, it aims to prepare students for careers in financial or professional services.  

Our programme touches on some of the world’s best research in corporate finance; it is a highly pragmatic programme, allowing students to find innovative solutions to real-world business and valuation challenges. The wide choice of electives on offer here, enables our students to tailor their learning to meet their career aspirations.  

The Business School’s central London location means students can build ongoing relations with major employers in the finance sector, as well as the opportunity to network with leading global organisations and the world’s top companies. 

The class comprises 182 students, 51% being female with an average class age of 23. Imperial places an emphasis on diversity so we are pleased to represent 45 nationalities in this class. Many students have come from a Business/Management (35%), Finance/Accounting (46%) and Economics background (12%).


Aayush Gupta 

Nationality: Indian 

Education: Bachelor's in Business Administration, Emory University, Atlanta, USA 

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Finance & Accounting?   

My main motivation to study MSc Finance & Accounting was to enhance and develop an all-rounded skillset. Imperial College Business School offers programmes that are at the cutting edge of finance, leveraging the power of technology and smart business to create the business leaders of the future. In recent years, there have been massive changes in the industry with bold new technological advances. These include the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, the advent of Web 3.0, the introduction of NFTs as digital assets, and the idea of a metaverse – a shared, connected virtual world becoming a reality. These fundamental shifts will shake the very foundations of finance, and I want to be at the centre of it. The greater uncertainty that comes with the arrival of these new technologies will push investors – individual, institutional, and national – to re-evaluate their investment strategies, and I hope to be able to lead this charge, with the knowledge I obtain at Imperial College Business School through this programme.   

What are your future career plans?  

I hope to work in an analyst role within the financial services industry, particularly focusing on corporate banking or financial consulting. These fields will not only make the best use of the skills I have, but also offer opportunities to pursue additional professional qualifications like the CFA or ACCA, which the Finance & Accounting programme also builds towards. In the long run, I believe that I would also be able to develop a wide network in my time at Imperial and beyond, as I begin to identify and work towards my long-term career goals.

Hermine Fanyan 

Nationality: Armenian 

Education: Bachelor's in Finance at Armenian State University of Economics, exchange semester at Hasselt University (Belgium) in Business Economics  

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Finance & Accounting?   

My undergraduate Finance courses, coupled with my experience in different fintech startups  has made me realise where my passion lies. Hence, my enthusiasm in FinTech brought me to one of the most innovative and technology driven Business Schools - Imperial College Business School, and particularly to the MSc Finance and Accounting programme.   

This programme is the key to the financial world, providing rigorous courses on the impact of technologies and innovations on finance.  It also touches on the role of big data analysis in business decisions. I chose this programme as it delivers courses (e.g. Innovation and Strategy in FinTech, Fundamentals of Derivatives), through which I can receive a better insight into the FinTech revolution, innovation and investment opportunities, and strategic options that will empower me to address local challenges.  

Furthermore, I would like to highlight the opportunities the Business School and the programme provide to help students grow both as a professional and as a person. For example, workshops, finance-related clubs, and other societies that contribute to the enlargement of our highly important social capital.   

What are your future career plans?   

After graduating, I will mostly look forward to opportunities in the FinTech field in the roles of consulting, strategy planning and analytics, where I can provide innovative solutions to financial services. That said, throughout my future work I am eager to contribute my capacity to the policies directed to the increase of digital financial literacy and inclusion, as only that way it will be possible to stimulate the fintech and financial services, as well as achieve sustainable economic growth.   

In the long run, having entrepreneurial ambitions, I plan to establish my fintech company that would address issues of current financial sector, and be part of the technological revolution.  

MSc Financial Technology 

Graduates of our MSc Financial Technology will gain and enhance the skills required to leverage a successful and innovative career in the ever-evolving sector of fintech and beyond. 

Our one-year MSc Financial Technology programme enhances our student’s in-demand quantitative and analytical skills, including coding and programming capabilities. The programme brings together highly relevant modules and electives to provide students with knowledge of the financial sector and practical experience through an immersive learning syllabus. A range of programming tools such as Bloomberg facilitate live implementations of financial models in the classroom and allow our class to analyse real world investment decisions and data. 

104 students join this class, 42% of them being female with an average class age of 23. 27 nationalities are represented in this cohort, exposing our students to innovative global thinking. Many come from an Engineering/Technology (40%), Mathematics (28%) and Finance/Accounting (12%) background. The large proportion of Engineering/Technology students emphasises the draw of the Business School’s connection to STEM as part of Imperial College London. 


Kalina Tsaneva

Nationality: Bulgarian 

Education:  BSc Computer Science degree, Queen Mary University of London 

What are you most looking forward to outside of your studies?   

Seeking to be taught by world-class professors, pioneers in their respective fields, and my eagerness to study with like-minded individuals in a competitive, highly intellectual, and driven environment were amongst the top reasons I sought admission at the Business School – as I believe that the right community is as crucial to one’s success as academic achievement. That is why I plan to obtain the most out of my year at Imperial – academically, socially, and professionally. Academically, I plan to focus more on the core financial modules as part of the programme and gain proficiency in Finance at graduate level which, linked with my Computer Science background, will allow me to pursue a multidisciplinary career and fulfil my professional goals after graduation. Socially, I look forward to making lifelong connections with like-minded people from both the Business School and Imperial, and being an active member of the various sports and creative clubs I am interested in – namely piano, tennis, horse-riding and sailing. As an SSC Social Leader for my cohort, I also look forward to organising and participating in unforgettable events at the Business School, exploring London to the fullest through my “best places in London” list and becoming more acquainted with UK’s rich history by travelling beyond the city. Professionally, I look forward to kick-starting my career journey by making use of the Business School’s Careers Services, Imperial’s central campus locations and my personal connections in industry, which will all prove invaluable when it comes to securing my desired role.  

What are your future career plans?   

As a Women in Finance scholar, I aim to obtain the most out of my education – not only graduate with Distinction, but also participate in the various career-development initiatives such as the Continental Europe Business Club, Data Spark programme and Imperial’s Enterprise Lab, which will equip me with the full set of soft and technical skills necessary to succeed in my career. This will build upon my experience at Deloitte which laid the groundwork for my professional ambitions and allow for a solid career progression into a managerial role, where I will be able to use both my Computer Science and Finance knowledge to advance and work with a diverse range of clients and projects. I have always firmly believed that hard work, ambition, and commitment are the pillars of success and plan to use this conviction to succeed within this chapter and beyond.  


Opanin Akuffo 

Nationality: Ghanaian 

Education: Ashesi University 

What are you most looking forward to outside of your studies?   

I am most looking forward to the networking opportunities available at the Business School, as well as making valuable connections (both internally and externally), that will last a lifetime. Additionally, I look forward to exploring and discovering London, and hopefully touring Europe soon.  

What are your future career plans?   

I hope that my future career plans will include a software engineering role in an investment bank.  

MSc Investment & Wealth Management 

MSc Investment & Wealth Management is a one-year programme, made up of the latest industry theory findings, alongside the opportunity to find innovative solutions to real-world investment challenges.  

The London location and the College’s connections with leading, global finance sector employers means that the programme is well placed to propel students into successful careers in investment, private equity, and asset management. 

This year, we are joined by 86 students, 46% being female with an average class age of 23. Our class represents 31 nationalities, giving students the opportunity to create global business connections, contribute different ideas and solutions in the classroom and thereby learn from one another. 33% of the class come from an Economics background, 35% from Finance/Accounting and 12% from Engineering/Technology.  

Oghenetega Oghuvwu

Nationality: Nigerian  

Education:  Economics and Development Studies, Covenant University in Nigeria 

What is your background prior to studying MSc Investment & Wealth Management?   

Previously, I worked with the Transactions team at Ernst & Young and I also worked as a fund accounting analyst before that. I am also an ACCA -Association of Certified Chartered Accountants- charter holder. 

What are you most looking forward to outside of your studies?   

I am looking forward to developing lifelong relationships and expanding my network, exploring London and having fun to be honest! 

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering 

MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering prepares our future graduates for careers in financial engineering and risk management. Our programme is credited by the Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA) and it is a highly quantitative programme for technically minded students. Our students have joined us, eager to engage in the deep, analytical study of risk management and financial engineering. 

With a cohort size of 197 and 23 nationalities represented, this is a diverse class. 52% of the class are female and the average class age is 22. Our students join us from a variety of backgrounds including Mathematics (65%), Economics (15%) and Engineering/Technology (14%).   


Salim Rhmari Tlemcani 

Nationality: Moroccan 

Education: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Warwick. 

What is your main motivation for studying MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering?   

I believe that the MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering programme is a masters that brings opportunities in a large spectrum of industries. The students can work in highly quantitative jobs (in finance or other sectors with Data Science or statistics) as well as qualitative jobs in finance. 

What do you hope to achieve with the programme?   

I hope to meet as many well-driven and inspiring people as I can. Also, I know from my background how the electronic components of trading systems work, and I hope that with this programme, I will learn more about the mathematical and computational components. 

About Helen Richardson

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Content Marketing Officer, working on content creation.