In May 2012, Imperial
College held its
first ever
the College
through hands-on
music, comedy,
dancing and art.
The Innovation and
Group hosted a
session on the role of
digital technologies
in driving
entrepreneurship, at
which alumnu
MBA 2002) spoke.
The session was
followed by a reunion
drinks reception.
Research developments
, a new global ranking of
the entrepreneurial performance of countries, was launched following research
carried out by Imperial College Business School, George Mason University and
the University of Pécs. The index was launched in April 2012 at an event hosted
by the Business School, which featured speakers including the Minister for
Universities and Science, David Willetts.
’ was boosted by a new London centre in a joint
venture between Imperial College Business School, University College London
and Cisco. The centre will be a physical space where businesses, academics and
start-ups can openly collaborate. It will be part of Tech City, the fastest growing
technology cluster in Europe, which seeks to bring a world-leading research
presence and collaborative working to the emerging Tech City ecosystem.
, the first
centre to be established that is devoted to the study of private equity and
buyouts, moved to the Business School in late 2011. The Centre monitors and
analyses management buy-outs, with and without private equity investment,
in a comprehensive and objective way and is regarded as the pre-eminent
provider of private equity statistics for Europe.
1. Professor Gerry George
2. Students celebrating at
Imperial Festival
3. Colin Love
4. Catching up with alumni
at the Imperial Festival
5. Rt Hon David Willetts
MP at the Global
Entrepreneurship and
Development Index event
2012 – 2013
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